“It is that we are never so defenceless against suffering as when we love, never so helplessly unhappy as when we have lost our loved object or its love.

But this does not dispose of the technique of living based on the value of love as a means to happiness. There is much more to be said about it.”

Freud, Civilization and its discontents, 1930.

Psychotherapy promotes mental health

“Psychoterapy helps us to let go a bit, to experience some freedom in parts of ourselves in which we couldn’t without some skeletons lurking around in corners. One may not experience joy at all times, but it is possible to be a little more carefree, whine a little less and to accept life a little more.”

About Gabriel Fadanelli

Gabriel Fadanelli is a licensed psychotherapist. Mental health practitioner and psychoanalyst, working within Lacan’s interpretation of Freudian analysis. Working in mental health since 2014.

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Rua Bento Gonçalves, 2437 – Sala 601 – São Pelegrino – Caxias do Sul, RS – CEP 95020-412

Psychotherapist Gabriel Fadanelli © 2022
CRP 07/28080